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Workshops, InfoDay

Through the support project RO-NCP_WIDERA.NET (part of the EU project NCP_WIDERA.NET: Transnational Network of National Contact Points (NCP) for widening participation and strengthening the European research area,, Romanian NCPs have the opportunity to organize 3 workshops and 1 info day on the quality of proposals, in particular with regard to Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area, as well as Pillar II actions. 

Sticky Notes


European Research Area Dialogue 
Research Management and Administration (RMA)

24 Sept 2024, 10.00-16.30 (Bucharest time)


Hybrid event

Venue: UEFISCDI, Str. Frumoasă 30, 010987, Bucharest (first floor)

In person participation is limited to maximum 20 attendees.

Workshops presentations

10.00 -10.30  

Registration and Welcome coffee


Opening remarks 


Session 1: A new ERA for Research Management - Are we ready?
ERA Policy Agenda 2022-2024: Action 17 – Research Management Initiative
ERA Policy Agenda 2025-2027: Action 30 – A new ERA for Research Management

  • Rinske Van-den-Berg, Project Adviser, European Research Executive Agency (REA), EC


Session 2: Research Management Roadmap and CARDEA Pilot Projects – State of the play

  • Nik Claesen, Managing Director, EARMA

  • Jörg Langwaldt, Research Management Roadmap Ambassador for Finland, Tampere University

  • Raluca-Oana Andone, Research Management Roadmap Ambassador for Romania and Roadmap Thematic Ambassador for Research Ethics and Integrity, "Petru Poni" Macromolecular Chemistry Institute - Romanian Academy

  • Mihaela Marinela Albu, Professor, UPB team  coordinator in the CARDEA project, The National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest


Session 3: INSPIRING ERA: Breathing New Life into the European Research Area 

  • Aurelija Povilaikė, Head of NCP Unit at Research Council of Lithuania, NCP Coordinator



Lunch Break 



Session 4: Supporting Widening Countries through NCP_WIDERA.NET project: Insights from Study Visits

  • Katarzyna Buszkiewicz-Seferyńska, Coordinator, NCBR, Poland

  • Maria Mikroni, WIDERA and Cluster 5 NCP, FORTH/PRAXI Network, Greece


Session 5: Lessons learnt from NCP.WIDERA.NET study visits

  • Brândușa Bitel, MD, Representative of the UMFCD Brussels Office, Deputy Director R&D Department, University of Medicine and  Pharmacy, "Carol Davila" Bucharest

  • Ciprian-Romeo Comșa, Vice Rector Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Partnerships, ”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași

  • Gabriel Mustățea, Technical Director, Head of Food Packaging Laboratory, National Research and Development Institute for Food, Bioresources-IBA, Bucharest

  • Nicu Constantin Tudose, Director, National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry ”Marian Drăcea”, Brașov Branch



Session 6: Practical tips and tricks for designing  and management successful Horizon Europe project proposals

  • Mihai Ivanovici, Coordinator Horizon Europe AI4AGRI project, ”Transilvania” University of Brașov

  • Ilinca Năstase, Coordinator Horizon Europe EU Conexus Enables, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest (UTCB)

  • Codrin Dinu Vasiliu, RO Team Coordinator Horizon 2020 Cities 2030, Romanian Academy - Iasi Branch    


Session 7: Institutional Challenges in RMA in Romania – What we should do?

  • Daniela Vasile, Head of Project Management & Marketing Office, National Institute for Research and Development on Marine Geology and Geo-ecology - GeoEcoMar 

Closing remarks

  • Daniela Dragomir, WIDERA NCP, Unit NCP@UEFISCDI 

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