Assistance, support, training
for Horizon Europe R&I proposals
Pre-evaluation of proposals
If you are the coordinator of a proposal to be submitted to Horizon Europe
If you are work package leader in a proposal (coordinated by other country) to be submitted to Horizon Europe
If you want to ...
Your proposal can be pre-evaluated by an European independent expert (free of charge) before you submit it to Horizon Europe.
The expert will give you comments on your proposal and recommendations how to improve your proposal. It is your decision whether to consider these comments and recommendations or not.
Only you and the expert will have access to your proposal, nobody else. The expert is bound by contract to ensure confidentiality.
How to...
You must send your proposal for pre-screening with min. 15 days before the deadline!
To submit your proposal request for pre-screening, you must register on the platform
then you should follow the steps described for Applicant here and submit your full proposal (part B) for pre-screening
Widera database consists of European independent experts in all Horizon Europe programmes.
NB: These experts are NOT the experts that are selected by the European Commission for evaluating your proposal after you submit it!
NCP@UEFISCDI ensures this service for the HE programmes
- Pillar 2 ”Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness”
-”Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area”
This pre-evaluation service is open until 31 January 2025.
For more information: